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PD Taverns Ltd The Obelisk Centre, Obelisk Rise, Kingsthorpe, Northampton NN2 8UE Tel. 01604 843032 Email

Hire of facilities Terms and Conditions


The owner will let and the hirer will hire subject to the conditions listed below.


Hire Agreement. An agreement will be made on the date, times, facilities and spaces chosen and whether other goods and services are to be included in the package. These will be recorded in writing and copies circulated. Changes to certain parts of the package are possible up to an agreed date which would be shown on the document. I.E numbers for food/catering purposes and access times for set up ( subject to availability ). The expected cost for this package will be calculated and the required deposit taken.


Hire Deposit. The owner will require a deposit to secure the date chosen, This will be a percentage of the total hire cost predicted ( if the actual cost is different the change will be reflected on the final payment). It will be set at 25% for ‘Prime’ dates which would include all Saturdays in June, July, August and December. The remaining months would attract a 10% deposit charge subject to a minimum of £200.

Deposits to secure the facilities booked are only returnable at our discretion but would not unreasonably be withheld and would include circumstances such as Pandemics, bereavements and other causes beyond the control of the hirer as opposed to a changing of mind or personal circumstances.


Damage Deposit. The hirer would also be expected to furnish a damage deposit to cover ( but not be limited by) any damage to the facilities by the hirer or their guests, agents or employees. This, upon a positive inspection of the facilities after departure of the hirer et al would be returned via bank transfer or other means most appropriate. Please note that the owner reserves the right to retain the deposit and levy additional charges to cover the cost of repairs and reinstatements if the deposit taken is not sufficient to cover the damage occasioned. This deposit shall be set at £100 unless special circumstances dictate the risk to be significant in which case a higher amount may be levied.


Staged Payments. This is expected when the amounts exceed £1000 and the dates and amounts these will be expected by, will be listed on the hire document. If the payment dates are not met the owner reserves the right to re hire the facilities to another party to defray losses. Amounts already paid are likely to be forfeit. In any case the expected final amount must be paid and cleared by 14 days before the event date.


Room Decorations.

Any decorations fitted by the hirer must be removed by the end of the hire and any fixings must be ‘White Tack’ as any damage or residual marking to the walls etc could result in the loss of damage deposit. Items left in black bin bags after a hire will be disposed of by us in our bins – subject to being reasonable quantities in relation to the event




We would like to retain your details after the events conclusion to be able to keep you informed of offers and other events that you may be interested in. We would also like to use photographs and social media posts of your special day for promotional purposes for the Centre. You can however opt out of either easily. If this is your preference please advise us of your wish to be removed from either or both the continued retention of your details and/or the use of media/photographs. This can be done at the time of booking or at any point in the future by making us aware via email or letter. Your statutory rights are not affected.

Company Reg. No 05771387 VAT Reg No. 892-657-473

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Opening Hours-

Thursday - Friday - 4pm - 10:30pm

Saturday - 12pm - 11pm

Sunday - 8:30am - 11am *reopens* 3pm - 7pm

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